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SX1211SK868/915 User Guide
B: Sync size: Used to set the length of the synchronisation word, from 1 byte to 4 bytes.
b : The value can be modified in the Sync-value window.
C: Pkt_format: Used to program the packet format. When the Fixed packet is enabled, the payload
length is manually entered. f the selected format is “variable”, the length of the pload is atomically
calculated and display in Length window accordingly with the message.
c : Payload length: Length of the payload must be entered manually if the Fixed option is selected for
the Pkt-Format.
D: Address Field: If enabled the transmitter address is added manually by the user in the pload.
E: CRC: The CRC is used for checking the integrity of the message. The two byte CRC checksum is
calculated on the payload part of the packet and appended to the end of the message
F: DC Free Encoding: Two methods of en coding are available with the SX1211, the Manchester
encoding and the Withering encoding. For more information, please refer to the Semtech SX1211
G: Fifo_size: The Fifo-size can not be modified and is hard-coded to 64bytes.