SEL-2600 RTD Module
Date Code 20000525
Initial Checkout
Initial Checkout
Step 1.
Connect Terminal 26 to an appropriate ground.
Step 2.
Apply line power to the SEL-2600 at Terminals 23 and 24
(120 Vac) or Terminals 23 and 25 (240 Vac).
The SEL-2600 will power up and perform internal diagnostics.
The module is ready when the green ENABLE LED illuminates.
Step 3.
Verify the red TX LED pulses twice per second. Each pulse
corresponds to the transmission of RTD data, device status, and
contact input status.
Step 4.
Connect Terminal 20 to Terminal 21 to test the contact input. The
red INPUT LED illuminates when the contact input is electrically
Step 5.
SEL-701 Motor Relay Application
Connect the SEL-2600 to the SEL-701 Motor Relay as
shown in Figure 1 on page 4. Set the relay as directed in
SEL-701 Motor Relay Application on page 4.
The SEL-701 front panel may display “RTD Failure” if the correct RTDs are not
yet connected. The SEL-701 METER T report displays the RTD temperature as
“Comm Fail” if the fiber connection is not operating properly.
SEL-2030 Communications Processor Application
Connect the SEL-2600 to the SEL-2030 Communications
Processor as shown in Figure 2, Figure 3, or Figure 4 on
page 7. Set the SEL-2030 as directed in SEL-2030 Communi-
cations Processor Applications on page 6.
Step 6.
Follow the wiring diagram in Figure 5 on page 13 to connect
RTDs to the SEL-2600.
If RTDs are not available, test the SEL-2600 RTD inputs by connecting all
three terminals for each RTD together. For example, using two short wires, con-
nect Terminals 01, 02, and 03 together. The SEL-701 METER T report displays the
corresponding temperature as “Short.” The SEL-2030 stores the hexidecimal
value 8000h in the corresponding data register.