Version No. 1-6 - 13.08.2021
Doc. No. 99862504S62
15 / 21
To activate Test Mode, press the UP and DOWN buttons for 3 seconds while in the Main Menu. A notification will
be shown that the unit has gone into Test Mode. This notification is only displayed for a few seconds.
The set point / settings modification feature can be Locked / Unlocked from Modbus or from the Display itself.
Locking or Unlocking the set point / setting modification can be done with the following sequence:
This sequence can be executed only when in the main menu (TEMP READINGS / TEMP SETPOINTS screen). Each
button needs to be pressed for at least 2 seconds and the total sequence need to be done in 20 seconds.
When entering the sequence, the display shows that the sequence is being registered if after pressing the
second button, TEMP SETPOINTS is followed by a dot, as in the image shown above.
RS 485 Modbus Interface
Modbus is a serial protocol used for communication between a Master and a number of Slave Devices. The
master requests information from the slaves by specifying the slave address, a read or write command and
which register address it will read from or write to. Modbus can read or write a single register or multiple
registers at the same time.
You can download the Modbus settings from