Version No. 1-6 - 13.08.2021
Doc. No. 99862504S62
14 / 21
SETPOINT ALARM L: showing low alarm set point. Temperature can be modified using the UP or DOWN
To save the new temperature, press the SET button, and an S will be shown in the display. Press MENU to
return to the TEMP SETPOINTS screen.
SETPOINT HEATER: showing low alarm set point. Temperature can be modified using the UP or DOWN
To save the new temperature, press the SET button, and an S will be shown in the display. Press MENU to
return to the TEMP SETPOINTS screen.
SETPOINT TYPE: showing which set point type is chosen. Set point type can be modified using the UP or
DOWN buttons. To save the new set point type press the SET button, and an S will be shown in the
display. Press MENU to return to the TEMP SETPOINTS screen
TEMP TYPE: showing which temperature type is chosen. Temp Type can be modified using the UP or DOWN
buttons. To save the new temp type press the SET button, and an S will be shown in the display. Press MENU to
return to the TEMP SETPOINTS screen