When the batter steps up to the plate, you’ll notice an overlay
will appear on the screen that is divided into nine zones. Some
of the zones will be red, some will be blue, and some will be
clear. These represent the spots in the strike zone where a
player is better or worse than average. There are five different
colors for each hitting zone: Dark Blue, Light Blue, Clear, Light
Red, and Dark Red. Dark Blue is where a player is coldest
and Dark Red is where the player is hottest. Try to avoid
serving up a juicy fastball or a hanging curve into one of the
player’s hot zones. Make a mistake and the player can
drive the ball deep.
Manager’s Tip: Pickoff Moves
Ok, so you let a runner get on base. Hey, you can’t pitch a
perfect game every time out, right
Make sure you keep an
eye on the runner because you can still get him out with a
great pickoff move. Throw over there a couple of times just
to keep him honest. If you’re sure he’s going to steal, press
button to call for a pitch-out and he’ll be out by a mile.
Once you’ve selected your pitch, the pitcher will come to
the set position. You are now set to either pitch the ball or
perform a pickoff move. If you’re going after the runner,
press the
left thumbstick
in the direction of the base you
want to throw to and the