Now that you’ve scored a couple of runs, you’ll have to hold the
lead. Do you have what it takes to mow down the opposing hitters
Each pitcher in World Series Baseball has the same array of pitches
in his arsenal that he possesses in real life. Selectable pitches will
be highlighted in white, while unselectable pitches will be grayed
out. Check the diagram below to see the nine different pitches in
the game and their location on the pitch overlay.
Move the
left thumbstick
in the direction of the pitch you
want to throw and press the
button to select it. Then move
the icon to the approximate location you want to throw the ball.
Press the
button again to deliver the pitch.
The aim icon will stay on-screen until the ball is released from
the pitcher’s hand. That way you can keep it moving to
confuse the hitter. You can also change where the pitch is
going up until the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand by pressing
button again.
Use the aim indicator to control where your pitch is going.
SC - Screwball
CH - Changeup
KN - Knuckleball
SL - Slider
FB - Fastball
CU - Curveball
SI - Sinker
FO - Forkball
SP - Splitter