Thermometer Bluetooth® with Data Logger
When the Split is unchecked, graph will use T1 as the Y axis display range.
- To Undo the Zoom
You can Zoom this graph by using mouse:
To Zoom:
(1) Press the left mouse button and drag the cursor to select the new extents.
(2) Release the mouse button.
You can choose channel number showing in the graph.
a. Click "
Graph Option
" to call Customization dialog.
b. Select Subsets tab.
c. Select a single channel or multiselect (hold Ctrl key, use mouse to choose) channels.
10.9 Frequently Asked Question:
(1) How to uninstall SE521 ?
Uninstall SE521 by launching the Add/Remove Programs applet out of the Control
Panel, highlighting the SE521, and clicking on the Add/Remove... push button, then it will
remove the SE521 folder and files from your computer.
(2) How to zoom the graph?
Press the left mouse button and drag the cursor to select the new extents, then
release the mouse button.
(3) When I setup the real time sampling with a fast rate(eg. 1 sec), Some of the
sampling data might be lost.
This might be caused by slow response time of the PC interface. For better result,
the user may close the panel window.
(4) How to continue to use the meter when the battery has run down ?
With USB interface powered directly, you can continue to use the meter.