Warranty and Repair
In case of defects or when repair is needed for Seedsware products, feel free to contact us.
In case of making inquiries, please confirm the issue or the symptom beforehand. Also, when sending the
product, please include a fully filled “Repair Request” form with the issue or the symptom noted.
Please make sure the product is packaged so it will not get damaged during shipment.
Where to contact:
USCO America Inc.
+1-630-832-0438 (Business Hours: 9:00a.m. ~5:45p.m. CT)
The warranty period is limited to one year from the date of shipment. Any defects that occurred under proper use
and environment noted in the specification will be repaired without charge (On-site repair). (The warranty for
defects of the same area is three months.)
You will be liable for all repair fees even within the warranty period for any conditions listed below.
(1) Any malfunctions and damages during transportation and transfer of mishandling by user after delivery.
(2) Any malfunctions and damages caused by natural or man-made disaster
(3) If the product is used under any condition, in any environment, or by any method other than those described
in the product specification, catalogs, manuals or others.
(4) Replacement of consumables
(5) Any malfunctions and damages caused by failure of associated equipment, inappropriate consumables, and
(6) Any malfunctions caused by science or technology that could not be predicted at time of sales.
(7) Other malfunctions, damages, and/or defects that is considered to be caused by the user
The warranty only covers the product itself. Repair and replacement of damages caused by the failure of the
product and/or repair and replacement will be charged.
Production Discontinuance
In the event of product discontinuance, an announcement will be made on our website at least six months prior to
the discontinuance.
Repair Condition
(1) Only Seedsware products can be repaired. Options are exempt.
(2) Programs and data might be lost during repair. Please be sure to take back-up. Seedsware will not be held
liable for any programs or data lost during repair.
(3) All user information recorded in our product will be handled with much care. However, we ask that any
important security information be deleted before repair.
(4) Repairs will be done in our workshop after it is sent back. All shipping fee will be charged.
(5) Seedsware will have all ownership for parts exchanged at repair.