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Premier 211 User Manual
Receipt or activation of the meter firmware
On demand billing
Completion of installation
Change in System Parameter setting
Counter reset
Demand limit configuration
Receipt or activation of change of supplier request
Receipt or activation of change of tenancy request
Change in time source
If configured, the meter can send alerts to the HES for all the above events.
Certain operations such as firmware upgrade or relay switching can only be performed a fixed number of times
within a 24 hours’ duration. For example, firmware upgrade can only be performed twice as day and relay switch
operation is restricted to 20 times a day. If the number of operations exceeds the defined limit, the meter logs it
as an event and takes preventive action as per pre-set rules.
Communication channels
Premier 211 with the Skyline-i 033/543 communication module has the following communication channels:
ANSI optical port - this port, fitted on the meter is designated as Port-1 and is used to communicate with
the meter locally. The port supports a maximum data rate of up to 38400 baud. It can be used to read
consumption data and other information locally. This port can be enabled or disabled using a service
4G/3G WAN module- for communication to HES.
To manually perform a transaction with the meter through the optical port, the ID issued by the external
device should always be zero or else an error message will be displayed and the transaction will not be
In case of remote transaction, the ID should always be incremental to the previously issued ID.
Communication module - facilitates communication between the meter and the HES
Meter reading data
The following information can be read from the meter using the supported communication protocol:
Meter date and time
Application firmware name and version
Metrology firmware name and version
Unique identifiers such as meter serial number, NMI, electricity supplier information, product type
identifier which is the device ID (e.g. electricity meter), device type along with description, meter
activation date and time, activation status, meter removal date and time, cumulative energy, rate
Mode of operation (Default or Credit)
Configuration details
Tariff structure and tariff information
Snapshot data and midnight data
Meter diagnostic data