Premier 211 User Manual
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4.12.4 UTRN
The UTRN transaction events are recorded in the meter’s UTRN event log along with their date and time of
Supply operation
Engineering service UTRN for the following services
Enable/disable HAN joining
Leave HAN
Clear event logs, site ID, profile data and snapshot data,
Reset energy register
Local configuration control
Switch to default
Force connect if ARM
Vend and optional tariff
Retained credit.
Rejected UTRNs with reason
If configured, the meter can send alerts for such events to the HES.
4.12.5 Supply
Each time the meter’s relay state is changed due to local, manual or remote supply disconnection, arming and
reconnection, an event is recorded in the supply log along with the date and time of the occurrence. For relay
arming, the meter records the ‘ARMED’ to connect reason code too.
If configured, the meter can send alerts for such events to the HES.
4.12.6 Security
The following activities are recorded in the security events register:
Password change
Device locking or unlocking
Device key change
HES public key change
Security clearance grant or release
Excessive firmware upgrades (two per day) and relay operations (20 per day)
Unauthorized access or attack
Local configuration enabled or disabled
Energy register reset
4.12.7 Configuration
The meter records the following changes in its configuration event log:
Receipt or activation of meter configuration
Switching to Credit modes
Profile and event configuration
Time setting (WSE and communication module)
Cancellation of delayed meter configuration
Configuration, enabling or disabling of DST
Setting the Site ID