Chapter 2: Descriptive Information
Page 28
may ask you to have a psychological evaluation to
make sure you are qualified for this device.
• Have any disease or condition that prevents you from
having medical
follow-up or
having the
• Tend to rub your eye a lot.
General Warnings and Precautions
Once you have an Argus II Implant:
Do not
short wave or microwave diathermy
These procedures could cause high electrical current in
the implant electrodes that could cause tissue damage
or serious injury. Diathermy may also cause permanent
damage to the implant.
Do not
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
ECT may damage your eye or your Argus II Implant.
lithotripsy or high output ultrasound
. These
procedures may harm you or damage the implant. If you
need one of these procedures
inform your doctor that
you have this implant. Your doctor should contact
Second Sight Medical Products for instructions on how
to perform these procedures in someone who has an
Argus II Implant.
Do not
enter a room housing a magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) System that has a rating other than
1.5 or 3.0 Tesla
, even if you are not using Argus 2s