Chapter 6: Additional Information
Page 95
level ranged from 0 electrodes in some subjects to
as many as 60 electrodes in other subjects. The
number of electrodes that produced light
perception when they were stimulated one-at-a-
time at the lower home use level was 13.4.
During the clinical trial, 13 subjects had fewer than
20 electrodes that produced perception of light
when stimulating one electrode at a time. 8 of
these 13 subjects did not have any individual
electrodes that, on their own, produced perception
of light. The clinician changed the VPU
programming to quad stimulation in some of these
subjects in order to allow them to have perception
over a larger part of the electrode array. Refer to
page 57 for a description of quad stimulation. As
of March 2012, 6 of these 13 subjects were using
quad stimulation. In the clinical trial, no attempt
was made to directly compare whether quad
stimulation provided better vision than single
electrode stimulation.
Probable Benefit
Tests of Vision
All 30 subjects were able to see spots of light
when the Argus II System was on.
All 30 subjects did better on tests of their vision
when they were using the Argus II System
compared to when they were not using the