PrimeTest 300
Operating Instructions
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The Config file must be ASCII text and the
last entry must be the [END] statement.
Load Test’n’Tag Logo
A bitmap logo can be transferred to the PrimeTest 300
for use with the Seaward Test ‘n’ Tag print system.
The logo must be in .BMP with a maximum size of 320
pixels by 240 pixels.
Data Transfer
using the
arrow keys, select
load T ‘n’ T logo
and press
The PrimeTest 300 will now attempt to connect to the
Bluetooth Favourite
PC. When a connection has
been established the display will be as shown below.
The PrimeTest 300 is now ready to receive data. The
amount of data received is shown numerically on the
top left of the display (0 in the screen shot above).
The file transfer can be made using the
Seaward DataTransfer.exe application, or any
suitable terminal emulator.