Aqua sensor
The aqua sensor is located above the drain pump. It’s a one-piece assembly
(i.e. not a small circuit board pulled out of a plastic housing). It senses water
cleanliness and allows the dishwasher control to determine removing cycles to
save energy.
If water is clean enough, it will be kept for the wash cycle. If not, the aqua
sensor directs the dishwasher to add an additional pre-rinse or pre-wash cycle.
Dishwashers still operate adequately if aqua sensors fail. Customers will only
notice aqua sensors failing if they see their dishwashers running slightly longer
or their electric and water usage getting slightly higher.
Display and power modules
Dishwashers have two controls, a display module (with display, lights & buttons)
in the fascia (control) panel and a power module in the base on the right side.
The power module controls the BLDC drain pump and heat pump.
Power module
Display module
Drain pump
Heat pump