3000mm dia. Ocean Buoy
Latest products and information available at www.sealite.com
Congratulations! By choosing to purchase a Sealite Buoy, you have become the
owner of one of the most advanced rotationally-moulded polyethylene marine buoys
in the world.
Sealite Pty Ltd has been manufacturing buoys for over 25 years, and particular care has been taken to
ensure your buoy gives years of service.
As a commitment to producing the highest quality products for our customers, Sealite has been
independently certified as complying with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 quality management
By taking a few moments to browse through this booklet, you will become familiar with the versatility of
your buoy, and be able to maximise its operating function.
Sealite marine buoys are manufactured on-site from rotationally-moulded UV-stabilised polyethylene,
and are designed to offer a low-maintenance, high visibility solution to marine navigation.
The Sealite buoy division provides turn-key production of navigation buoys. From tooling development,
raw materials selection, and production, to final testing and inspection, Sealite guarantees superior
quality and fast turn-around times.
Sealite’s buoy products are available in a wide range of configurations and sizes, and can be
economically shipped worldwide.
No painting
Inhibits growth
Increased interval between servicing
Routine maintenance on location
Easily repaired in the unlikely event of damage
Lightweight for ease of deployment and maintenance
Environmentally friendly – no use of toxic antifouling paint
Please contact your local authority for any specific requirements regarding the deployment of buoys.
IALA also has guidelines and recommendations that should be followed.
All information given in this manual is advisory only. Please consult with your local authority before
deploying your buoy products.
Local conditions that need to be considered include:-
Water depth
Maximum currents
Maximum wind speeds
Sinker size and weight
Sealite Buoy Division
Why Choose Polyethylene Buoys?
Mooring Requirements & Regulations