background image

450mm Force 


(4 pieces)


M10 x 1.5
M12 x 1.5
M14 x 1.5
M16 x 1.5


Sleeve 'A'

(11 pieces)


D44 x d34
D46 x d36
D54 x d44
D56 x d46
D58 x d48
D66 x d56
D68 x d58
D70 x d60
D78 x d68
D80 x d70
D82 x d72

Sleeve 'B'

(9 pieces)


D48 x d38
D50 x d40
D52 x d42
D60 x d50
D62 x d52
D64 x d54
D72 x d62
D74 x d64
D76 x d66



4.1  bush/bearing Removal (Fig.5)

4.1.1  Select a sleeve that will sit square on the bearing/bush  


housing and will allow the bush/bearing to be  



extracted without interference. Ensure that only the  


force end of the sleeve with the U-shape inspection  


slot is used to sit on the bush/bearing housing. The  


stepped end of the sleeve should be used to locate in  


the end plate.

4.1.2  Select a second sleeve that will sit square on the outer  


ring of the bearing/bush and will pass through the   


bearing/bush housing without interference. Ensure  


that only the force end of the sleeve with the U-shape  


inspection slot is used to sit on the outer ring of the  


bush/bearing. The stepped end of the sleeve should  


be used to locate in the end plate.

4.1.3  Remove the nuts and thrust washers and pass the  


force screw half way through the bush/bearing centre  


hole. Lubricate the force screw before use.


 Always use the largest diameter force screw available  


that will fit through the centre of the bush/bearing.

4.1.4  Fit the end plates to the stepped ends of the selected  


sleeves. Ensure that side-A is only used for 'A' sleeves  


and side-B is only used for 'B' sleeves.

4.1.5  Slide the assembled end plates and sleeves over the  


force screw and fit the thrust washers and nuts.    


Progressively tighten the nuts whilst locating the    


sleeves squarely on the bush/bearing housing and the  


bush/bearing outer ring. Once the sleeves are square  


on the housing and outer ring, tighten the nuts and  


check that the thrust washers are centralised in the  


end plates.

4.1.6  Using the appropriate size ring spanners for the force  


screw nuts, gradually tighten the force screw nuts to  


drive the bush/bearing from the housing. 




air tools to operate the force screw nuts. 




apply more than 150Nm torque to the force screw   



4.1.7  Once the bush/bearing has been successfully  



removed, clean the components used and return    


them to the carry case.

4.2  bush/bearing Installation (Fig.5)

4.2.1  Select the appropriate sized sleeves for the housing  


and bush/bearing as described in Section 4.1.

4.2.2  Prior to installing the bush/bearing clean the inside of  


the housing with abrasive cloth to ensure that it is free  


from debris and corrosion.

4.2.3  Lightly oil the outer ring of the bush/bearing to be    


installed and using a hammer, gently tap around the  


outer ring of the bush/bearing to locate it into the    


housing. Care should be taken to ensure that the    


bush/bearing is square to the housing when installing.


 Always use the largest diameter force screw available  


that will fit through the centre of the bush/bearing. 

4.2.4  Lubricate the force screw and assemble the kit as   


described in Section 4.1 and as shown in Fig.5. Once  


the sleeves are square on the housing and outer ring,  


tighten the nuts and check that the thrust washers are  


centralised in the end plates.



VS7023     Issue No.1 - 02/12/11

Original Language Version
