4. assembly
Unpack the product and check contents. Should there be any damaged or missing parts contact your supplier immediately.
Assemble wheels as shown in the Parts diagram.
Screw legs to the base of the stand and check that the stand is at a right angles to a horizontal plane, then tighten the leg screws.
Place the saddle on the end of the ram.
Remove the transportation oil plug and replace it with the operating plug, identified as the Air Vent Valve in fig.1.
5. pre Use check lisT
imporTanT: before each use, check jack is in sound working order, use following list to form a habitual pre-check
procedure. check items are not: damaged, broken, cracked, bent, malfunctioning, distorted, worn, loose, damage to welds, leaking,
dirty, noisy or missing.
WarninG! Do noT use jack if any suspect part is found, or if believed to have been subjected to abnormal load or shock.
immediately remove from service and contact an authorised service agent.
Before using the jack for the first time, purge the hydraulic circuit in order to eliminate any air, that may have accumulated in the
system during transit, as follows:
open the safety release control by turning knob anti-clockwise.
Pump the foot pump up and down 15 to 20 times.
Turn the safety release control clockwise to close the valve.
6. operaTion
WarninG! before use, ensure that you have read, understood and
apply the safety instructions in section 1.
WarninG! ensure you prepare the vehicle correctly before attempting
to use the hydraulic Transmission Jack.
posiTioninG The Jack beneaTh The loaD
noTe: before use, ensure that the transmission weight and size does not
exceed the capacity of the jack.
ensure the vehicle from which the gearbox or transmission is to be removed
is correctly positioned, raised and locked on an appropriate lift system.
ensure that there are no other persons around, or under, the vehicle.
ensure the saddle is in the lowest position. Use the handle to transport
and centrally position the jack beneath the vehicle transmission.
Raise the saddle by pumping the jack foot pedal.
When the saddle is just beneath the transmission, re-adjust the alignment
if necessary to centralise the saddle.
loWerinG The loaD.
ensue the load is central and stable on the jack saddle and that
it is fixed in place before attempting to lift, lower, or transport it.
turn the release valve knob anti-clockwise to
saddle as far as possible before attempting to transport the load.
speed of lowering is controlled by release valve. The
quicker the valve knob is turned the more rapid the jack’s descent.
ensure the jack’s descent is slow and controlled to avoid the risk of sudden
dropping which would be very dangerous.
TransporTinG The loaD.
ensure you have read, understood and apply the safety instructions in Section 1.
ensure the jack saddle is fully lowered and the load is fixed in place before attempting to lift, lower, or transport the load.
Transport the load over level and solid ground, preferably concrete, and ensure that the floor is swept clean beforehand
Be diligent in continually monitoring the load in transit.
Keep all other personnel at a safe distance.
DanGer! Do noT use on tarmacadam, or any soft surface as jack may sink or topple. serious injury or death may result.
DanGer! if the jack tips or leans, sTop WhaT yoUr are DoinG anD moVe QUickly To a safe DisTance. Do noT
Try To holD or sTeaDy The Jack. serious injury or death may result.
re-insTallinG a GearboX.
To transport, reposition beneath a vehicle, and raise a load up, reverse the procedures outlined above.
7. mainTenance
imporTanT! only fully qualified personnel should attempt maintenance or repair.
When the jack is not in use, the saddle must be in the lowest position to minimise ram and piston corrosion.
Keep the jack clean and wipe off any oil or grease. lubricate all moving parts with acid free oil.
The oil cylinder is a sealed unit and must not be accessed. For service contact your authorised stockist.
WarninG! only a good quality Jack oil, such as sealey hyDraUlic Jack oil must be used. Do noT use brake fluid.
Before each use, follow the pre-check list to ensure components are not damaged, broken, cracked, bent, malfunctioning, distorted,
worn or loose.
ensure there is no visible damage to welds. Refer to Section 5. If any suspect item is found, remove the jack from service and take
the necessary action to remedy the problem.
Do noT
use the jack if you believe it to have been subjected to abnormal load or shock.
Periodically check the pump piston and piston rod for signs of corrosion.
1.. . . . . Saddle base
2.. . . . .
Pump piston
3.. . . . . Safety/Release control
4.. . . . .
All nuts and bolts
5.. . . . .
All seals
6.. . . . . Jack main structure
7.. . . . . Foot pump
8.. . . . . Swivel caster wheels
9.. . . . . Transport handle
Original Language Version
© Jack Sealey limited
1000TR Issue 3 (HF) 01/08/19