Seagate Nytro XP6500 Flash Accelerator Cards User Guide, Rev. B
Nytro XP6500 Card Characteristics
Chapter 3: Characteristics
This chapter presents characteristics for each Nytro XP6500 card.
Nytro XP6500 Card Characteristics
The Nytro XP6500 card uses a low-profile, half-height, and half-length PCIe board.
The Nytro XP6500card uses a SAS3108 controller with drive firmware that runs on its internal processor. The Nytro
XP6500 card can be used for either persistent or nonpersistent data and offers high-performance with low latency and
a low CPU burden.
The following figure shows the Nytro XP6500 card.
Figure 9 Nytro XP6500 Card
Two board-mounted, right-angle LEDs shine through holes in the PCI bracket: one is for drive activity and one is for
Troubleshooting the Nytro XP6500 Card
The LEDs provide key status information to diagnose a problem with the Nytro XP6500 card. You can also contact
Technical Support
The following figure shows the LED layout.