In the event of a power outage, will I have to reprogram my vendor?
No. Your selection prices are safely stored.
The vendor will not allow me to change prices.
Reset the Circuit Board by pressing the Red Service Mode button
while unplugging the vendor. You may need assistance. You will
need to reenter all prices. Note: This will not reset "Cash Hist" or
“Sales Hist".
Section 2
The manufacturer's Coin Validator manual is packed with your vendor. The following is intended as an addendum to the
manufacturer's manual.
The Coin Validator receives and returns change to your customers. The Coin Validator is installed at the factory, and will accept
quarters, dimes, and nickels. The Coin Validator can be set to accept the new golden dollar. Coins that are not needed to main-
tain inventory in the Storage Tube, and all other coins are diverted to the Coin Box.
It is recommended that you initially load the tubes at least half full when setting up your vendor and that you not allow your ven-
dor's coin inventory to drop below that.
Coins can be retrieved from the vendor in three (3) ways, the Coin Box, Manual Coin Retrieval Buttons, and the Coin Return
Button. The Coin Box sits below the Coin Validator. The Coin Box holds all accepted coins, except for the coins needed to
maintain inventory in the Storage Tube. The Manual Coin Retrieval Buttons are along side the Dime Tube, pressing a button will
dispense one (1) of the selected coins. The Coin Return Button moves the Coin Return Assembly, and pushes the Coin Return
Lever returning coins to the customer that have been inserted.
The Coin Validator will hold $20 in quarters, $10.60 in dimes, and $3.65 in nickels. The Coin Validator can be set to maintain
either $4.50 or $20 in the Quarter Tube. If you intend to vend high-ticket (over $1) items through your vendor, or the vendor is in
a high traffic area, you may want to set the Coin Validator to maintain a full Quarter Tube. The Bill Validator will not accept $5
bills unless the quarter tube is nearly full. Refer to the manufacturer's manual to adjust option switch settings.
Figure 9
Money Mechanisms
Inside Front Door
Bill Validator
Coin Validator
Coin Box