The best method of learning how to handle and obtain the best
performance from your boat is to practice and experiment. After
several hours of operation you should experiment with the throttle
settings to determine the most comfortable and economical range
for your particular loading conditions. We suggest that you make a
speed/RPM chart in order to obtain the most economical operation.
Operate the boat at various speeds and check the fuel consump-
tion. Determine the amount of operating time remaining when the
fuel gauge drops into the low fuel level. Make a log of this type of
information and have it available when using your boat. Other sta-
tistics you may want to determine could include the following:
Minimum speed for effective steering.
Turning radius at different speeds.
Response to steering at low speeds.
Control of the boat using both engines in close quarters
Time and distance to bring the boat to a stop at different speeds.
Acceleration and deceleration rates.
affect the structural integrity of your boat. Some gelcoat damage and
imperfections, such as nicks and scratches can be repaired by obtain-
ing a color match patch kit. This kit can be purchased through your
Sea Hunt dealer. Acetone is the most suitable cleaning agent for gel-
coat. Instructions are included in the patch kit.
If your routinely leave your boat in the water for more than a few
days at a time, the hull bottom (below the waterline) should be
painted with anti-fouling paint to protect it from marine growth and
barnacles that hinder performance. Since some anti-fouling paint
slowly dissolves to prevent marine growth, it is advisable to inspect
and clean the boat bottom at least once per season. Repaint when
necessary. To help prevent blistering use an epoxy barrier coat ap-
plied in conjunction with the anti-fouling paint.
Although your Sea Hunt boat’s canvas is made using the highest
quality fabric and latest sewing techniques, your boat’s canvas will
not be completely leak proof. The seam holes in your canvas may
stretch and leak. However, you can correct much of this problem by
applying a water-based repellant such as Apseal
or Uniseal
to the
seams. Please understand that Sea Hunt does not warrant the fit and
design of the canvas to be entirely watertight.
To maintain your boat’s top and other canvas follow these steps:
Fabric should be cleaned regularly to prevent soil build-up that will be-
come embedded in the fabric.
Simply brush off any debris, hose down