Part Number 9991200 01/26/05
57 / 56 / 53 Voyager Setup
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1. Install props and rudders; install
starboard side steering linkage first.
Make sure rudder cotter keys are
2. Remove fiberglass shipping top from
deck. Also remove plastic off bridge.
Remove tape and clean areas where
bridge will set. Check for voids
along the top of the windows.
3. Apply sealant (white Sikaflex)
supplied in MAC kit, #8105901,
around deck where bridge will set.
Also check for voids in foam above
patio door.
Refer to attached pictures
for sealant and sealant tape place-
ment. Apply sealant just prior to
setting bridge.
Also apply Sikaflex on top of the
poly strips located on the deck top.
4. The lifting points for the bridge are
the two lifting eyes each on the front
and aft of the bridge. Set bridge in
position over boat with bow down
resting in front of stern of bridge up
about 16”. Long white plastic di-
vider board should be laid on
portside of deck where bridge seats
sit prior to setting bridge down.
If this is not done, you will
not be able to put the divider board
under the seats.
5. Run all wires up through bridge.
a. Connect davit wires and light
wires at port stern corner of
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b. Pull coiled water drain hoses down
through holes in bridge and route
through holes in black air intake
c. Attach hoses to thru-hull fittings on
port and starboard side of boat in aft
engine compartment.
6. Set bridge in place; make sure hoses
and wires don’t get pinched.
7. With bridge set down in place, begin
securing it with fasteners supplied in
MAC kit.
a. Start by pulling down side bolsters in
b. Install bolts (two port and two star-
c. Run 6 screws both sides in salon.
d. Start in the forward corners above
the windshield and put 3 bolts on
each side of the pilothouse’s over-
head console.
e. Put 3 screws in the center above the
f. Install screws above salon door from
g. When secured, seal all around pilot-
house opening inside.
h. Finish securing aft and reinstall
bolsters, starting from port to star-
board with windshield bolsters.
See drawing for screw locations
and quantities. Also, apply sealant to
each individual screw before installing