Deflation and Rollup
If you plan on storing
your PaddleSki for
more than a few days,
it is best to towel it
off or let the boat dry
in the sun to remove
any excess moisture
which might cause
unsightly mildew.
1. First open all the
valves and let the
PaddleSki deflate for a
minute or two. (See
Valves for details)
2. Fold the tips of the
pontoons inward as
shown at left
3. Starting from the
stern, roll the
PaddleSki up like a
sleeping bag. This will
force the air out of the
valves in the bow.
4. For the most
compact storage it is
important to roll the
boat tightly in the
beginning and keep it
5. Once the boat is
rolled up it is ready to
be stored or carried.
19 N. Columbia St.
Port Jefferson, NY 11777
Phone # : (631) 473 7308 Fax # : (631) 473 7398