Stand up paddleboarding is challenging and inherently dangerous. Follow safe boarding practices, Be physically fi t
enough to meet the challenges, prepared for any weather conditions that might be anticipated, and follow the safety
basics. Protect all personal items in a waterproof bag. Secure all accessories to the board.
The FS126 is large and stable for a SUP. Keep weight (such as batteries, motors and gear) close to the center as possible
to minimize tippiness. We do not off er seat pedestals so as to keep the center of gravity low. When sitting, your ability
to compensate for waves, wind and boat wake is more limited than standing.
SUP Construction:
The board is made of drop-stitch material. Dozens of threads per square inch hold the top and bottom layers together
and keep the fl at-board shape. Without drop stitch, infl atables are tube shaped.
Working Pressure:
In this instruction manual, we use the term “working pressure” to describe infl ation pressure. By this we mean,the air
pressure needed to make a board rigid enough for use. The working pressure depends on the user’s weight and does
not have to be the maximum pressure. When using the manual pump, how much air a user can force into the board
also depends on how much the user weighs. For example, a 150 lb paddler may fi nd it diffi cult to put more than 12
psi into the board and impossible to reach 15 psi, but will fi nd the board to be rigid enough at 12 psi. Adding more air
pressure than is needed will not make the board more buoyant nor improve performance.
Compressing air with a pump causes it to heat up. If the water is cold, warm air in the board will shrink and some
rigidity will be lost. Allow a few minutes for the board to cool off in the water, and if needed, top it off with a few pump
strokes to bring it back up to pressure.
With the manual pump it takes approximately 12 minutes, with rest breaks, to infl ate the board. It can be done faster
if you are in good shape! Since the object is to get out on the water as quickly as possible, an electric pump is very
helpful. A hand pump can also be challenging for those with lower back issues.
Allow the Sea Eagle FS126 to make your life better and more fulfi lling. Carve out time to use the board as often as
possible. Get the most out of the purchase by using it regularly and frequently. Maintain the board according to
Cleaning and Protecting section. Water sports like boarding are communal with nature, healthy, and fun.