Allow the Sea Eagle FastTrack to make your life better and more fulfilling. Carve out time to use the kayak as often as possible.
Get the most out of the purchase by using it regularly and frequently. Maintain the kayak according to Cleaning and Protecting
section. Water sports like kayaking are communal with nature, healthy, and fun.
Battery Selection and Safet
The FastTrack can take a small electric trolling motor. A large electric motor will not appreciably raise the speed of the boat.
A 12v deep cycle marine battery, lithium ion battery, personal watercraft battery or electric vehicle battery is acceptable. The
important parameter is the battery’s ampere hour (Ah) rating. A Group 24 battery or smaller is recommended.
In a small boat like the 385FT, it is safest to choose a small battery like a 22 Ah rated battery.
• To determine the approximate battery life, divide the amp hour rating by the motor amperage. For example, a 60 Ah battery
connected to a 30 amp motor will last two hours at full speed.
• Charge battery after each use. Lead acid batteries like to be kept charged.
• Running the battery all the way down will shorten its life.
• Exposure to excessive heat will shorten battery life.
• Cranking amps (CCA) are not a consideration.
• 12v automobile, lawn tractor and motorcycle batteries can be used but are not designed for deep discharge so will wear out
more quickly.
• A battery box is recommended especially around aluminum paddle shafts which could cause an electrical short.
• A circuit breaker or fuse is recommended to prevent damage in the event the motor wires are placed on the wrong terminal.
Reversing the polarity can cause the wires to heat up, melt the insulation, and cut through the boat.
• A 12v battery charger will be needed. Chargers are widely available.
• Choose gel cell over wet cell. Wet cell batteries have liquid acid inside them.
• Stow the battery low in the boat, like under the spray skirt.
• In a small boat like the 385FT, it is safest to choose a small battery like a 22 Ah rated battery.
• Distribute weight in the boat as evenly as possible. Move the seat as far forward as possible while maintaining the ability to
operate the motor.