S556-EP Specifications
One Red Power ON LED, one Yellow
Activity/Error LED and one Green
Transmit ON LED
Communication Method
: RS-232
Serial transmission rate
: Up to 57,600 bps
One DB-9F for RS-232
One DB-25 for diagnostic use
Pin assignments: (DB9F)
Pin 1 – Not used
Pin 2 - Transmit Data (Input)
Pin 3 - Receive Data (Output)
Pin 4 - Internally connected to Pin 6
Pin 5 - Protective Ground
Pin 6 - Internally connected to Pin 4
Pin 7 - Internally connected to Pin 8
Pin 8 - Internally connected to Pin 7
Pin 9 - Protective Ground
Power jack:
Internal Power Module, External
Power cable
RF Output Power:
5 Watts
Power Consumption:
120 watts
556-EP Manual.P65
2/27/2001, 3:21 PM