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Employee Owned
- 926 JR Industrial Drive, Sanford, NC 27332
East: (919) 718-0000 | West: (909) 627-9634 • Website:
12. Press and hold the Verification Tester's SOFT
GROUND test switch. The monitor's mat LED will
illuminate green, and its audible alarm will stop
after approximately 3 seconds. This verifies the mat
circuit's resistance limit.
Figure 8. Pressing the SOFT GROUND test switch
13. Disconnect the red test lead from the monitor's
white mat monitor cord.
14. Reinstall the white mat monitor cord to the
worksurface mat.
Note: A variable DC power supply must be used to
complete this procedure. The CTE701 Verification
Tester cannot verify the iron circuit in the Iron Man®
Plus Workstation Monitor.
15. Turn the voltage alarm trimpot at the back of the
monitor fully clockwise. This configures it to ±5 V.
16. Power the variable DC power supply. Configure it to
5.0 V.
17. Connect the negative terminal from the variable
DC power supply to ground. Connect its positive
terminal to the yellow alligator cord connected to the
monitor's BOARD terminal. The monitor's Iron LED
should illuminate red and its audible alarm should
18. Set the variable DC power supply to 4.0 V. The
monitor's Iron LED should illuminate green and its
audible alarm should stop.
19. Disconnect the variable DC power supply from the
monitor and ground. Connect its positive terminal
to ground and its negative terminal to the monitor's
yellow alligator cord.
20. Verify that the variable DC power supply is still set
to 4.0 V. The monitor's Iron LED should illuminate
21. Set the variable DC power supply to 5.0 V. The
monitor's Iron LED should illuminate red and its
audible alarm should sound.
WS Aware Monitor
Configure the Verification Tester's DIP switch to the
settings shown below. This will make its test limits
match the factory default limits of the monitor.
1. Use the black test lead to connect the Verification
Tester to equipment ground.
2. Power the Verification Tester ON.
3. Use the 3.5 mm mono cable to connect the
Verification Tester to the monitor's operator jack.
The monitor's operator LED will illuminate red, and
its alarm will sound.
Figure 9. Connecting the Verification Tester to the WS
Aware Monitor's operator jack
4. Press and hold the Verification Tester's WRIST
STRAP test switch. The monitor's operator LED will
illuminate green, and its audible alarm will stop. This
verifies the operator circuit's impedance limit.
Figure 10. Pressing the WRIST STRAP test switch