Manual ILT2 motorized screens INTERFACE rev. 1-2017 | AdeoSreen All Rights Reserved
Page 7
A) Connect each motor to the power supply
B) Connect the ILT interface to the power supply and wait initialization
time of 15 seconds
C) Plug RJ9 from each motors into the ILT Interface
D) Plug your RS485 cable between your computer and the ILT
interface as shown in the documentation provided
A) Install and Launch EventGhost Software
B) Load/Open file "
Remote control ILT2 motors.xml”:
1 - select the “file - open…” in the toolbar
2 - search the “xml file” in your PC
3 - select the “open” in the windows
C) Set the COM Port parameters:
1 - select the “Plugin: Serial Port” - open…” in the toolbar
2 - open menu with right button and select “Configure Item”
3 - check the parameter: - 4800 bauds,
- 8 bits,
- Parity Odd,
- 1 stopbits,
- None flow control.
4 – confirm with “OK”
D) Open the remote control
1 - select the macro (not double-click)
If your Screen is a 4 way masking : select the
"XMask2 4way Masking Remote Control"
If your screen is a 2 way masking : select the
"XMask2 2way Masking Remote Control"
If your screen is a Motorized Topmasking : select the
"Motorized TopMask Remote Control"
2 - select the “Executive item” in the toolbar
E) The remote control appears on your desktop.