Functions and operations of the Haulm Topper
Exercise extreme caution when performing any
adjustments to the machine.
The Trinity 6000 Haulm Topper is designed to chop haulm and remove it
from the top of the ridge prior to lifting the crop. To reduce the need for an
expensive and generally high maintenance cross conveyor, shear plates have
been utilized to give a similar effect of a straw chopper. This in turn finely
chops the haulm to the point where the following potato harvester can sieve
the debris without the use of haulm rollers.
The working width is increased to 6 metres to allow flailing of the adjacent
beds and thus avoid trampling of the haulm by tractor wheels.
The smaller diameter rotor tube and increased flail length variation improves
the toppers suction and drastically improves the spreading of the haulm.
This offers an improved opportunity of a cleaner stem/ target area for
spraying. The flails are located in pairs via a single quick release pin to
rapidly decrease replacement time.
Connecting the Topper to the tractor
Front Unit:
The single Topper unit is to be mounted on the front 3 point linkage. There
is a range of different mounting positions on the headstock to suit various
different towing vehicles. Use the mounting slots which suit your tractor
most appropriately. The single unit uses a Cat. 2 linkage.
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