An integral overvoltage relay protects the electrical system from an overvoltage condition.
The finish is PolyUrethane Lockhaven Yellow paint over top of fire resistant butyrate plastic material on the fabric
All of the covering material, inside and outside, on the Grizzly Cub is treated with butyrate plastic over 5 primer
coats of nitrate dope. All of the exterior metal surfaces are finished with polyurethane. The finish must not be
covered over or repaired with any incompatible material. The use of different materials from those originally
applied will damage the finish.
The standard instrument group in the Grizzly Cub includes the following: sensitive altimeter, airspeed, compass, oil
temperature and pressure gauge, and recording tachometer. Special panels which provide complete
instrumentation are available as optional equipment.
Shoulder harnesses are provided for both seats of the Grizzly Cub.
The flow of hot air for heating the cabin is obtained through the use of the cabin heat control in the right side
panel control box. Cooling air is admitted through the window on the left side of the cabin. For special purpose
flights, such as photography, the right door and window may be opened in flight. Care should be taken not to
impose high air loads on the window in the open position, and a check should be made to insure that both
occupants have their seat belts and shoulder harnesses fastened before the door or window is opened.