The fuel strainer, on the lower left side of the fire wall in the engine compartment is installed to trap water or
sediment that may collect in the fuel system. It should be drained before each flight. Fuel screens are provided at
each tank outlet, in the strainer, and at the carburetor.
The engine primer pump on the center of the instrument panel takes fuel from the top of the fuel strainer and
pumps it directly to all four cylinders on the engine. The primer should be locked in at all times, except when in
use, to prevent malfunctioning of the engine.
An idle cut-off is incorporated in the carburetor so that full extension of the mixture control stops the flow of fuel
at the carburetor. The cut-off should always be used to stop the engine.
Fuel feeds from both fuel tanks simultaneously, so there is no switching of tanks.
Fuel Strainer and Drain.
An electrical system, consisting of starter, alternator with integral voltage regulator, battery, ammeter, starter
solenoid, circuit breakers, switches and related wiring is optional equipment.
A 1 2 volt. Dry cell type battery is mounted in the fuselage under of the baggage compartment. A master switch
and circuit breakers arc located on a instrument pane. The circuit breakers automatically break the electrical
circuits if an overload is applied. To reset the circuit breakers simply push in the buttons. A continuous popping of
the circuit breakers indicates a short and should be investigated.
The master switch is connected to a master contactor, located near the battery.
The voltage regulator is incorporated integral to the alternator to maintain the required voltage of the battery.
Position and instrument panel lights (optional equipment) are operated with the same switch on the electrical
panel located above the right door. A rheostat is provided for adjusting the intensity of the instrument lighting.