Prodigy's Smart-Board™ - an Advanced Feature Control
An optional control is available that can provide users with more features. It is available either as a field
installed option or as a data-logger that can be used by the service technician.
The kit number for the add on option is: KSBU
The kit number for the data logger version is: TPDL2
The Smart-Board can be applied to most Prodigy models. It can be used:
With the standard controller
With the standard controller and the SmartLock device (KSL)
With the standard controller and the Vari-Smart™ Ice Level Control (KVS)
With the standard controller, and both the KSL and the KVS
Smart-Board abilities include:
Ethernet connection
USB connection to be used with Scotsman's Prodigy TechTool software
Data Logging
Data Display
The Smart-Board mounts to the control box
door just below the main controller. The cable
connecting the two routes from the main
controller Accessory connector to J1 of the
If the datalogger version is used, it plugs into
the Accessory connector of the main controller.
If a SmartLock device is also connected, the
SmartLock cable must be moved from the
Accessory connector to the RLO connector of
the SmartBoard.
Features and use instructions are included with
either the KSB or the TPDL2.
November 2010
Page 53
C2648 Service Manual
Back of Controller, with SmartBoard and
Vari-Smart Options installed.
Smart-Board Cable
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