Scope Xlite USA Version
Problems and Fault Finding.
1 Check and re-check the data cable connections. This, together with an incorrect signaling
format, result in more faults than any other problem.
2 Check that the communications configuration and protocol on the host matches the system
(e.g. 8,N,1, Scope). Note: programmable comms baud rate is from 1200 to 9600 baud.
3 Check that the pagers are at least 3 meters from the transmitter and aerial. Under certain
conditions it is possible to flood the pager receivers and corrupt the data received.
4 Check that the pagers have the battery installed with the correct polarity and are correctly
powered up.
5 Check that the red power LED on the front of the transcoder is lit. If not, check the power
hook up with the aid of a suitable meter.
6 Check that the green LED lights for the duration of the transmission. If not, go back to the
data cabling and re-check the signal format.
7 Check that the aerial is correctly installed.
8 Check the pagers are set to the correct baud rate and are resident on the correct radio