Scope Xlite USA Version
Section 2: System Operation
The RS232 protocol must be set as N,8,1 (*exception: when sending numeric messages @9600 baud
using Pagelink Pro, this must be set to N,8,2). The default serial baud rate is 9600 baud.
The default transmission (pager) baud rate is 512.
Maximum message length: 117 characters (Scope protocol), 120 characters (Comp2).
Scope protocol requires all 7 digits of the c beep type.
Maximum logical pager number when using Comp2 is 9999. Minimum base ID is 0000008 and
maximum is 1920008.
All input commands have to be in upper case.
The serial baud rate, paging baud rate, paging format (alphanumeric or numeric) and base ID can be
changed using the following commands:-
Serial baud rate commands
XB1 Carriage Return = 1200 Baud
XB2 Carriage Return = 2400 Baud
XB4 Carriage Return = 4800 Baud
XB9 Carriage Return = 9600 Baud
Paging Baud Rate
XS Carriage Return = 512 Baud
XF Carriage Return = 1200 Baud
Paging Format
XTA Carriage Return = Alphanumeric
XTN Carriage Return = Numeric
Base ID
XIxxxxxxx Carriage Return. Example, XI0100000 carriage return will set the base ID to 0100000.
Transmitter Testing
XA Carriage Return will enable the transmitter with a modulation of 600Hz.
Please note, when using our Scope protocol if the paging baud rate character “N” or “F” is used then
the Xlite will default to that paging baud until power is removed. After power is reapplied it will return
to the baud rate set by the “XS” or “XF” commands.
Sending data using Scope or Comp2 protocol (see Technical Section,
Calling Pagers
) will invoke
transmitted messages to the relevant pagers. Note: if using Pagelink Pro, sequential message feature
cannot be used with the X-Lite transmitter.