ConneXions CONX8/1 Single Port, Mains USA Version
CONX8/1MAN 10/00
Issue 4
Section 2: System Operation
Confirmation of power connection is by way of the red LED on the base of the transcoder console.
Confirmation of transmit is provided by way of the momentary green LED on the base of the
transcoder console.
Sending data in the correct format (see Technical Section, Calling Pagers) will invoke transmitted
messages to the relevant pagers.
Problems and Fault Finding.
Check and re-check the data cable connections. This, together with an incorrect signaling
format, result in more faults than any other problem.
Check that the serial communications settings on the host matches the system. The default
Connexions settings are: Baud Rate 1200, Data Bits (8), Parity (N)one, Stop Bits (1).
Check that the pagers are at least 3 meters from the transmitter and aerial. Under certain
conditions it is possible to flood the pager receivers and corrupt the data received.
Check that the pagers have the battery installed with the correct polarity and are correctly
powered up.
Check that the red power LED on the base of the transcoder is lit. If not, remove the mains
cord set and check that mains is available at the supply outlet.
Check that the green LED lights for the duration of the transmission. If not, go back to the
data cabling and re-check the signal format.
Check that the aerial is correctly installed.
Check the pagers are correctly set to alphanumeric or numeric ID’s . Check the pager baud
rate and that they are resident on the correct radio frequency.
IMPORTANT: Isolate mains before removing cover. Internal access and adjustments strictly
limited to authorized service personnel only.
Dry Contacts
The contacts are provided with default messages “Alarm 1” through “Alarm 10” and will call logical
pager number 1 unless the messages have been customized at the time of placing the order. The
purchaser can also order the dry contact interface box (Part Code: DC) for ease of connection to the
contact terminals (see Diagram 3).
Voltages applied to any of these contacts will cause irreparable damage!
This unit supports 10 dry (volt-free) contacts, which, when switched, will send a pre-programmed
message to a particular pager address (which could be a to an individual, a group or all pager
operatives at the same time). The contacts can be ordered as Normally Open N/O {switch open,
closed to trigger}, Normally Closed {switch closed, opened to trigger} or Change of State. These
messages can only be changed by qualified service personnel.