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Procedure 2


1.  With the treadmill at 0% elevation, turn power switch to the off position. 
2.  Using a Philips screwdriver, remove the motor hood. 
3.  Disconnect the 6-pin and 8-pin telco cables from the lower board. 
4.  Disconnect the green static drain wire.  This wire comes out of the hole in 

the left upright and has a connector between the upright base and the 
lower board mounting plate. 

5.  Using a ½” socket and extension, remove the four (4) bolts with washers 

and the four (4) nuts with washers from the upright bases. 

6.  Remove the upright assembly by lifting it up over the elevation racks and 

set it off to the side. 

7.  Disconnect wires running to each limit switch (P1260). 


8.  On the backside of the bracket that the limit switches mount to, remove 

the two (2) nuts holding the limit switches in place.  Remove switches. 

9.  Re-attach wires in the same order on the new limit switches. 
10. Replace the new limit switches through the same two (2) holes that the 

other ones were removed from.  Make sure the two (2) legs on the limit 
switches clear the elevation rack (A1508). 


11. Replace the two (2) 4-40 machine nuts on the backside of the bracket. 
12. Set the upright assembly back in place.  

Make sure not to catch the 

wires on the elevation racks.


13. Reinstall and tighten the bolts, washers, and nuts to secure the uprights in 


14. Plug the telco cables into the lower PCB. 
15. Reconnect the green static drain wire. 


Calibrate the elevation using the Elevation Calibration procedure 
explained in the Club Mode for your version of software.


12-04-03  te

