Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
SEL-487V Data Sheet
Thermal Rating:
50 A for 1 s
MOV Protection
(Maximum Voltage):
330 Vdc
Pickup/Dropout Time:
6 ms, resistive load
Inductive Breaking Capacity (10,000 Operations):
48 Vdc
10 A
L/R = 40 ms
125 Vdc
10 A
L/R = 40 ms
250 Vdc
10 A
L/R = 20 ms
Cyclic Capacity (4 Cycles in 1 Second, Followed by 2 Minutes Idle
for Thermal Dissipation):
48 Vdc
10 A
L/R = 40 ms
125 Vdc
10 A
L/R = 40 ms
250 Vdc
10 A
L/R = 20 ms
Mechanical Durability:
10,000 no-load operations
High-Speed, High-Current Interrupting
Rated Carry:
6 A continuous carry at 70°C
4 A continuous carry at 85°C
Rated Make:
30 A at 250 Vdc
50 A for 1 s
Pickup Time:
s, resistive load
Dropout Time:
8 ms, resistive load
Breaking Capacity (10,000 Operations):
48 Vdc
10 A
L/R = 40 ms
125 Vdc
10 A
L/R = 40 ms
250 Vdc
10 A
L/R = 20 ms
Cyclic Capacity (4 Cycles in 1 Second, Followed by 2 Minutes Idle
for Thermal Dissipation):
48 Vdc
10 A
L/R = 40 ms
125 Vdc
10 A
L/R = 40 ms
250 Vdc
10 A
L/R = 20 ms
Mechanical Durability:
10,000 no-load operations
Minimum Current Rating:
10 mA
Update Rate:
1/8 cycle
Per IEC 60255-23:1994, using the simplified method of
Make rating per IEEE C37.90-2005.
Per IEC 61810-1:2005.
Control Inputs
Optoisolated (Use With AC or DC Signals)
Sampling Rate:
2 kHz
Main Board:
5 inputs with no shared terminals
2 inputs with shared terminals
INT 2, INT7, and INT8
Interface Boards:
8 inputs with no shared terminals
INT 3 and INT 4:
6 inputs with no shared terminals
18 inputs with shared terminals
(2 groups of 9 inputs, with each group
sharing one terminal)
Voltage Options:
48, 110, 125, 220, 250 V
DC Thresholds (Dropout Thresholds Indicate Level-Sensitive Option)
48 Vdc
Pickup 38.4–60.0 Vdc;
Dropout <28.8 Vdc
110 Vdc:
Pickup 88.0–132.0 Vdc;
Dropout <66.0 Vdc
125 Vdc:
Pickup 105–150 Vdc;
Dropout <75 Vdc
220 Vdc:
Pickup 176–264 Vdc;
Dropout <132 Vdc
250 Vdc:
Pickup 200–300 Vdc;
Dropout <150 Vdc
Current Draw:
5 mA at nominal voltage;
8 mA at 110 V option
Rated Frequency:
50 ± 5 Hz, 60 ± 5 Hz
AC Thresholds (Ratings Met Only When Recommended Control
Input Settings Are Used—See Table 2.1)
48 Vac:
Pickup 32.8–60.0 Vac rms;
Dropout <20.3 Vac rms
110 Vac:
Pickup 75.1–132.0 Vac rms;
Dropout <46.6 Vac rms
125 Vac:
Pickup 89.6–150.0 Vac rms;
Dropout <53.0 Vac rms
220 Vac:
Pickup 150.3–264.0 Vac rms;
Dropout <93.2 Vac rms
250 Vac:
Pickup 170.6–300.0 Vac rms;
Dropout <106 Vac rms
Current Draw:
<5 mA at nominal voltage
<8 mA at 110 V option
Auxiliary Breaker Control Pushbuttons
Pushbutton Functions:
One (1) pushbutton shall be provided to
open the breaker.
One (1) pushbutton shall be provided to
close the breaker.
Resistive DC or AC Outputs With Arc Suppression Disabled:
30 A
6 A continuous carry
1 s Rating:
50 A
MOV Protection
(Maximum Voltage):
250 Vac/330 Vdc
Breaking Capacity (10,000 Operations):
48 V
0.50 A
L/R = 40 ms
125 V
0.30 A
L/R = 40 ms
250 V
0.20 A
L/R = 40 ms
High Interrupt DC Outputs With Arc Suppression Enabled:
30 A
6 A continuous carry
1 s Rating:
50 A
MOV Protection:
330 Vdc/130 J
Breaking Capacity (10,000 Operations):
48 V
10 A
L/R = 40 ms
125 V
10 A
L/R = 40 ms
250 V
10 A
L/R = 20 ms
Breaker Open/Closed LEDs:
48 Vdc:
on for 30–60 Vdc;
125 Vdc:
on for 80–150 Vdc; 96–144 Vac
250 Vdc:
on for 150–300 Vdc; 192–288 Vac
With nominal control voltage applied, each LED draws 8 mA
(max.). Jumpers may be set to 125 Vdc for 110 Vdc input and set to
250 Vdc for 220 Vdc input.
Per IEC 60255-23:1994, using the simplified method of
Make rating per IEEE C37.90-2005.
Per IEC 61810-2:2005.
Communications Ports
1 front and 3 rear
Serial Data Speed:
300–57600 bps
Communications Card Slot for Optional Ethernet Card
Ordering Options:
Connector Type:
Ordering Option:
100BASE-FX Fiber-Optic
Connector Type:
Fiber Type: