SEL-487V Data Sheet
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
IEC 61850 GOOSE messages
Sequential events recorder (SER) reports
Breaker monitor
Relay summary event reports
Time synchronization
Expanded SEL
control equations with math
and comparison functions are available for control
and protection applications. Incorporate up to 1000
lines of automation logic to speed and improve
control actions.
Simple Application-Based Settings.
SEL-487V selects the recommended capacitor
bank protection elements based upon capacitor
bank nameplate and configuration settings. The
relay selects from differential voltage, differential
neutral voltage, neutral-current unbalance, and
phase-current unbalance protection.
Faulted Phase and Section Identification Logic.
Reduce the time needed to identify faulted capaci-
tor bank units with the patent-pending faulted
phase and section identification logic. This logic
automatically determines the phase (A, B, C) and
section (top/bottom or left/right) where the faulty
capacitor bank unit is located.
Simple Settings Assistance.
Simplify settings cal-
culations for grounded wye capacitor bank applica-
tions with the SEL capacitor bank settings
assistance software. This software runs as a tool
SEL-5030 Soft-
QuickSet and the Settings
Assistant are available at no charge from SEL.
Make informed system opera-
tional decisions based on actual real-time phasor
measurements from across your power system.
Synchrophasors can determine actual stability mar-
gins using a standard spreadsheet, graphics pro-
gram, or data management system. Record up to
120 seconds of C37.118 binary synchrophasor
data, and perform real-time control using remote
and local synchrophasor data.
Breaker Monitoring and Control.
breaker maintenance when accumulated breaker
duty (independently monitored for each pole of the
circuit breaker) indicates possible excess contact
wear. Electrical and mechanical operating times
are recorded for both the last operation and the
average of operations since function reset. Alarm
contacts provide notification of substation battery
voltage problems even if voltage is low only during
trip or close operations. Motor run time monitoring
detects failing charging mechanism motors. Con-
trol the breaker remotely or locally using optional
direct action pushbuttons.
Ethernet Access.
Access all relay functions with
the optional Ethernet card. Interconnect with auto-
mation systems using IEC 61850 or DNP3 proto-
col directly. Optionally connect to DNP3 networks
through an SEL-2032 Communications Processor.
File transfer protocol (FTP) is provided for high-
speed data collection. Connect to substation or cor-
porate LANs to transmit synchrophasors in the
IEEE C37.118-2005 format using TCP or UDP
Internet protocols.
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP).
relay shall be capable of synchronizing the internal
timekeeping to a network time source.
IEC 60255-Compliant Thermal Model.
relay provides a configurable thermal model for
the protection of a wide variety of devices.
Digital Relay-to-Relay Communications.
Enhanced M
communications can
monitor relay element conditions between banks
within a station, or between stations, using SEL
fiber-optic transceivers. Send digital, analog, and
virtual terminal data over the same M
Sequential Events Recorder (SER).
Record the
last 1000 entries, including setting changes, power-
ups, and selectable logic elements.
Comprehensive Metering.
Improve system load
profiles by using built-in, high-accuracy metering
functions. Power Factor and VAR measurements
optimize capacitor bank operation. Minimize
equipment needs with full metering capabilities
including rms, maximum/minimum, demand/peak,
energy, and instantaneous values.
Parallel Redundant Protocol (PRP).
Available in
SEL-487V relays equipped with Ethernet, PRP
provides redundancy by assigning each of the two
available Ethernet ports to separate networks carry-
ing identical information.
High-Accuracy Time-Stamping.
Time-tag binary
COMTRADE event reports with real-time accu-
racy of better than 10 µs. View system state infor-
mation to an accuracy of better than a quarter of an
electrical degree.
Oscillography and Event Reporting.
voltages and currents at up to 8 kHz sampling rate.
Record up to 24 seconds of 1 kHz COMTRADE
event data for each event, and store at least five of
these events in nonvolatile memory within the
relay. Off line phasor and harmonic analysis fea-
tures allow investigation of relay and system per-
Harmonic Metering.
The relay provides individ-
ual harmonic content from fundamental through
the 15th harmonic for all current and voltage chan-
nels. Total Harmonic Distortion shall be provided
as a percentage of the fundamental.
Thermal Overload Protection.
The SEL-487V
with the SEL-2600A RTD Module provides
dynamic thermal overload protection using
control equations.
Rules-Based Settings Editor.
Communicate with
and set the relay with an ASCII terminal, or use the
QuickSet to configure
the SEL-487V and analyze fault records with relay
element response.