Basic safety notes
Spare parts
Spare parts must meet the requirements of the manufacturer
and/or the supplier. This can always be guaranteed with original
spare parts.
Improper repair as well as use of non-original spare parts results
in the exclusion from product liability.
Obligations of the manufacturer/operator
Choice of personnel and personnel qualifications
Work on the unit may only be carried out by reliable personnel.
The legal minimum age must be observed.
The assembly, commissioning, maintenance, and repair of the
unit may be performed only by trained specialist personnel who
have been shown how to perform the said work activities.
The manufacturer/operator must ensure that the personnel are
adequately and appropriately trained to perform the work on the
unit allocated to them.
Every person called upon by the operator to work on the unit
must have read and understood the complete Assembly and Op-
erating Manual, especially chapter 2 "Basic safety notes". This
applies particularly to occasional personnel such as maintenance
We recommend that the manufacturer/operator require employ-
ees to sign that they have read and understood the Assembly
and Operating Manual.
Furthermore we recommend that the manufacturer/operator re-
quire employees to sign that they have participated in training
In addition to this manual, the statutory and other safety and ac-
cident-prevention regulations and the standards and guidelines
valid at the usage site must be complied with.
We recommend that the manufacturer/operator issue in-house
operating instructions which take into account the known qualifi-
cations of the operating personnel.