XND.00020.002_A – 10/2018
Remove the circlip (pos. 050) from the
spindle (pos. 020).
Move the carriages (pos. 030 and
pos. 040) from the tool body (pos. 010)
by turning to the left to fully remove the
spindle from the carriages. As a rule,
the two inner wipers (pos. 070) are
also removed from the carriages and
remain on the inside with the spindle.
Clean the system completely,
and reassemble.
Note on the wiper (pos. 070)
It is possible that, during dismantling, one of the wipers (pos. 070) is partially or fully pulled
with the carriage over the spindle thread. In that case, the wiper has to be carefully re-inserted
on the inside with the spindle over the thread.
To do that, it is recommended that a thin-walled mounting sleeve (Y) be used to slide the
wiper over the thread.
Dimensions of mounting sleeve (Y)
KSC 125 L-160: internal Ø 16.0 mm / external Ø 17.5 mm / depth T 67 mm
KSC 125 L-300: internal Ø 16.0 mm / external Ø 17.5 mm / depth T 95 mm
The high degree of precision of the KSC is achieved using a processing step while it is
The components of different vices must not be interchanged.
This is imperative in order to ensure the consistent central position of the system
and the fitting of the guide between the slides and tool body.
Further dismantling by the user is not permitted but can be carried out by the
manufacturer or an authorised service agent.
Non-compliance with this rule invalidates the warranty.