1. Liquid Waste Disposal
The presence of liquid waste untreated in rivers, lakes or other receiving bodies of water can adversely affect
the water life and water quality.
The same must be placed in a container and/or in an adequate disposal system for later treatment.
Schulz S.A. recommends treating properly the waste generator through processes that aim to guarantee envi-
ronmental protection and healthy life quality of the population, in conformity with the regulative requirements
of the existing legislation.
Among the treatment methods, physicochemical, chemical and biologic ones can be used.
Treatment can be performed by the establishment itself or through a third-party service.
2. Disposal of Solid Waste (parts in general and product packaging)
Generation of solid waste is an aspect that the user must take into consideration, in the use and maintenance of
his equipment. Environmental impacts can cause signifi cant changes in soil quality, in the quality of superfi cial
and underground water and in the population’s health, through the improper disposal of discarded waste (on
streets, receiving bodies of water, landfi lls or vacant properties, etc.).
Schulz S.A. recommends management of the waste created by the product from its generation, handling, trans-
port, treatment until its fi nal disposal.
Proper management must consider the following steps: quantifi cation, qualifi cation, classifi cation, source reduc-
tion, selective collection, recycling, storage, transport, treatment and fi nal destination.
Solid waste disposal must be done according to the regulative requirements of the existing legislation.
To guarantee product SAFETY and RELIABILITY, repairs, maintenance and adjustments must be performed by the
nearest SCHULZ AUTHORIZED DEALER, which uses genuine parts.