Choice of the Preprogramming
You can only access the Preprogramming mode when the
thermostat is out of any programming or adjustment function.
Make sure to choose the preprogrammings corresponding to
the right mode (
, according to the attached tables).
You must proceed as follows to access the Preprogramming mode:
1. Press down the Pre Prog button.
2. The Pre Prog icon and saved selected preprogramming are
displayed. This preprogramming can range between 0 and Z1.
From the Pre Prog mode, you can choose the first 10
preprogrammings by pressing and releasing the Pre Prog button.
Each time you press down the button, the preprogramming
switches (from 0 to 9).
4. To choose advanced preprogrammings, (see appendix 1), press
down the Pre Prog button during 5 seconds. The letter indicator
blinks and you can adjust it by pressing down the + or - button.
Once the letter is chosen, you must validate your choice by
pressing down the Mode button. The letter ceases to blink and
the figure starts to blink. The choice of the figure is made in the
same way as that of the letter (using the + or - button). Once
the figure is selected, you must validate your choice by pressing
down the Mode button.
If you do not press down any button for more than
one minute or press the Exit button, the thermostat exits the
adjustment function and saves the current choice. Then, the
icons cease to blink and the letter and the figure corresponding
to the selected preprogramming blink alternately until you select
another preprogramming. If the Pre Prog mode is activated
and you successively press down the Pre Prog button, the
preprogramming comes back to 0 and increases normally, as
described above.