GAIN - When the gain control is in the full CCW position, past its “click”, the receiver is in the automatic
gain mode. In this mode the receiver adjusts its sensitivity as a function of the strength of the detected
signal. When the control is rotated CW, the receiver is in the manual gain mode. The sensitivity of the
receiver increases as the control rotates in the CW direction.
FREQ - An operating frequency can be selected by depressing this button consecutively until the desired
frequency is indicated on the display of the receiver. The passive mode, sonde modes, and active modes
are accessible via this button.
NOTE: When the FREQ control is depressed, the "Antenna" symbol comes on while the receiver sends the
new frequency command to the transmitter and awaits for confirmation that the frequency has changed.
Because of this, a delay of up to 2-3 seconds will occur before the new operating frequency is indicated on
the display. If the new frequency is not indicated on the display shortly after the "Antenna" symbol goes off,
then try to depress the FREQ control again. See Section III "Operation" for additional hints on operating
the FREQ control.
The TraceMaster comes standard with five operating frequencies:
Passive Frequency - In this mode the transmitter is not active (see note below). The receiver picks up
the AC power (factory selected 50 or 60 Hz) off the buried cables and pipes.
NOTE: The receiver "remembers" the last frequency it was operating at when it was turned off. When
the power to the receiver is restored, you will have to depress the FREQ button to switch away from
the frequency "remembered". If the transmitter power is turned off, the transmitter will not
acknowledge receiving the commands to change frequency, and therefore the receiver will not be able
to change to passive frequency. You will have to temporarily turn the transmitter on to allow it to go
to passive, then you can turn it back off or leave it in the very low-power consuming "passive" mode.
Low Frequency (575 Hz) - This frequency will not jump to adjacent conductors and can only be
induced with the conductive clips connected directly to access points on the utility to be traced.
Mid-range Frequency (8 kHz) - This frequency will not usually jump to adjacent conductors, but may
jump across non-conductive joints in a pipe for longer tracing. It can only be induced with the
conductive clips connected directly to access points on the utility to be traced, or the optional inductive
High Frequency (82 kHz) - This frequency can typically jump to adjacent conductors and can be
induced by the conductive clips, the optional inductive clamp, or the built-in inductive antenna.
Very High Frequency (455 kHz) - This frequency can easily jump to adjacent conductors and it is a
good frequency to use for total field survey or "quick scan" of a small area. It can be induced by the
conductive clips , the optional inductive clamp, or the built-in inductive antenna.
NOTE: See Section VII: Sonde Operation, for additional considerations regarding operating
DEPTH - To determine the depth of the target place the receiver directly over the target, then press the
depth button. . There is a delay of 2.0 seconds between pressing the depth button and displaying the depth
on the LCD. The measured depth will continue to be displayed on the LCD for as long as the button is
depressed, otherwise (if the button is pressed and quickly released), the depth will show on the LCD for a
few seconds, along with the word "DEPTH" on top of the LCD. Then the LCD will revert back to display
signal strength. The TraceMaster can be factory set to display depth in feet and inches or in meters.
NOTE: See Section VII: Sonde Operation, for additional considerations regarding depth measurements
when using a sonde.