receiver, the remote link will always cause the transmitter's frequency to revert back to the frequency
selected by the receiver.
NOTE: Selecting the "Passive" mode on the receiver and the transmitter (via the RF link or manually)
will render the transmitter inactive (except for the RF link) and provide transmitter battery savings.
See item 5 above for further details.
Gain - When the gain control is in the fully CCW direction, the gain is set automatically. For best
results, the experienced operator has the option to set the gain manually by rotating the control in the
CW direction, beyond the "click". As the control is rotated in the CW direction, the gain increases. As
a guideline, always operate at the minimum gain that shows a clear "peak" over the target. It is not
important what the signal strength number is at the peak, as long as it clearly decreases on each side of
the target. It is NOT necessary to operate with a signal strength close to 99, in fact, if "99" appears on
the numeric display, the signal is saturating the amplifiers and the gain should be reduced. For best
results keep between 20 and 80.
Locating Target with arrows - As the operator moves toward the buried target, one of the arrows will
indicate in which direction to move. If the operator moves beyond the target, the other arrow will
indicate that the operator should reverse direction. When the operator is right over the target the tone
will reach maximum pitch and the digital reading will reach a maximum. Both arrows and the center
bar on the display will be ON, and the receiver will start beeping.
NOTE: Directional indication is not available at the 455 kHz frequency.
Depth Measurement - Place the bottom of the arrow against the ground, and then push and hold the
DEPTH button. The digital display will indicate the approximate depth. The reading will show as
long as the button is depressed.
NOTE: Depth is not available at the 455 kHz frequency.
Defeating the RF Link - It is possible to defeat the RF link to allow the setting of the receiver and
transmitter frequencies independently. This may be needed in situations where the environment
prevents a reliable RF link to be established or if there is a need to operate in passive mode without a
transmitter and the receiver powers up in a different mode, as explained in item 5 above. The RF link
can be toggled between active and defeated by the following sequence:
a- Turn master ON/OFF switch off (click CCW)
b- Hold the unit by the handle so that the trigger is activated
c- Press and hold both the DEPTH and the FREQ controls before you turn
the master ON/OFF switch CW.
NOTE: The antenna symbol will blink continuously while the RF link is defeated. Each time the unit is
turned on with the DEPTH button depressed, it alternates between operating with the RF link active
and operating with the RF link defeated. In other words, repeating the procedure above will re-enable
the RF Link.
Using the Current Measurement Feature - The current measurement feature allows the user to know
the amount of current that the transmitter is delivering to the load. The load is everything connected
between the red and black connectors of the conductive clips. In general, larger currents flowing
through the pipes or cables being located will result in longer tracing distances and/or deeper targets
found. However, there is no quick recipe for the amount of current that works best for a particular
situation. The TraceMaster can display currents from 0 to 99 mA, and the usefulness of the feature is
in helping to improve the circuit so that as much current as possible flows through it, this can be done
by improving ground connections, placement of the clips, or even changing frequencies.