Service manual
De-aerating the lateral and Trendelenburg adjustment cylinders
and the check valves
If the table-top is unstable after replacement of the lateral
or Trendelenburg adjustment cylinder, we recommend to
proceed as follows in order to attain optimal stability.
Remove the connected lateral or Trendelenburg
adjustment cylinder together with the corresponding
check valve from the height adjustment column. You
will find details regarding the bolt fastenings in the
chapter “Removing the hydraulic cylinder for lateral
adjustment” on page 20 or in the chapter “Removing
the hydraulic cylinder for Trendelenburg adjustment”
on page 23.
Turn the hydraulic cylinder in such a way as to make
the piston rod point to the ceiling. Make the piston rod
extract by means of the selector lever. Wait 2 to
5 minutes until the residuary air has ascended inside
the piston rod end of the cylinder. Then loosen the
screw joints at the piston rod end of the hydraulic
cylinder, pulling the tube slightly out of its seat. The
screw joints at the piston end are still loose. Pump
hydraulic fluid carefully into the piston end of the
cylinder. As soon as hydraulic fluid emerges from the
loose screw joint, tighten the screw joint. Then make
the piston rod extract completely.
Turn the hydraulic cylinder in such a way as to make
the piston rod point to the floor. Make the piston rod
retract by means of the selector lever. Wait 2 to
5 minutes until the residuary air has ascended inside
the piston end of the cylinder. Then loosen the screw
joints at the piston end of the hydraulic cylinder,
pulling the tube slightly out of its seat. Pump hydraulic
fluid carefully into the piston rod end of the cylinder
using the foot pump. As soon as the residuary air has
been discharged from the loose screw joint, tighten
the screw joint. Then make the piston rod retract
Repeat these procedures until there is no more air left
in the hydraulic fluid inside the cylinder.