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EN-US · · 00 · 07/21
Debug ON:
Click this button to display the actual feed-
back time on the serial monitor (purple).
Debug OFF:
If you click this button, the actual feedback
time is not displayed on the serial monitor
Administrator access is active
Enables 110% pressure (= 1.1 bar) for the
controller, with a warning message “un-
locked” on the monitor when the rotary
switch is set to “3”.
If “Unlimited” is activated,
there is no warranty claim or entitlement
with regard to the service life/condition of a
gripping finger.
Factory Reset:
Resets everything in the controller to the fac-
tory settings.
This starts demo mode, in which the gripper
is opened and closed 10,000 times with a
short idle time in between.
Number of cycles: 10,000
Gripping finger positions: Switches be-
tween position “-1” and position “2”
Length of the pneumatic hose: as saved
Waiting time between opening and clos-
ing: 200 ms
5. Area in purple frame:
The “Serial Monitor” displays the commands between the software and the controller. If an error occurs,
this interface helps to generate a new setup and correct the error. Further commands can be entered in
the “Send command” field to be executed using implemented buttons instead. (See the command over-
view or click the “Help” button.)