EN-US · · 00 · 07/21
31 / 40
– Message on the serial monitor: “feedback: 1001 ms, 0%, ERROR, Target not reached”
– The ERROR MESSAGE may be caused by the following reasons:
—> Time exceeded due to the long hose length
—> Leakage in the system
“Buttons Show PLC IO” checkbox:
For the wiring, the relevant I/
O port information is dis-
played in the buttons.
“Suction Cup Auto ON” checkbox:
Switch the automatic vacuum and blow-off functions on or off. Please switch off if you control the suction
cup using the external controller via I/O connections (standard).
2. Area in green frame:
If you choose “Scan,” the software uses all the COM ports assigned by Windows.
Use “^” and “v” to switch between them and save the correct COM port to use the software.
How do you know the COM port is the correct one? Open the Microsoft Windows Device Manager to dis-
play the devices that are currently connected. Search for “Arduino Mega” in the “Connections” section.
3. Area in black frame:
If more than one controller is used by a computer, you can specify and save ten different units.
To change the unit, use the “
” and “
” buttons in the upper left corner.
4. Area in red frame:
The red area shows various buttons with different functions.
The ability to use these buttons depends on the current status:
The controller is not connected
Show Defaults:
Click this button to display the default set-
tings in the operating screen bar (however,
they are not transferred to the PLC).
The controller is connected
Readout PLC:
Click this button to display the current PLC
settings in the bars on the operating screen.