– 8 –
Work back and forth across the
warp, tightening all the groups. Pat
across the warp to make sure the ten-
sion is even. (Photo 16)
Tie the ends of each group in a
bow tie. You are now ready to weave.
Bring the apron rod around and
over the top of the front beam so that
it is about 6" from the heddle.
Select a 1" group of threads at the
center of the warp and bring them
over the top of the apron rod, divid-
ing them in half. Tie them together
around the apron rod using a sur-
geon’s knot. It’s like starting to tie
your shoes, except you go around
twice. Complete tying 1" groups.
Photos 15a–c
Sometimes you want to have stripes or to
use a variety of yarns in your warp. When
you are using the direct warping method,
you have a couple of choices for how to
change yarns while you are warping:
Method 1 - Drop and Pick Up
Drop the first yarn at the back apron rod
Tie the second yarn to the back apron rod
Measure warp ends with the second yarn
This method works best if you are chang-
ing back & forth between yarns, with
only a few ends (an inch or less of warp)
between changes. Once your second yarn
is tied onto the back apron rod, you can
change between yarns by dropping one
and picking up the other.
Method 2 - Cut and Tie
Cut the first yarn at the apron rod, leaving
a tail a few inches long
Tie the first and second yarns together
with the knot at the back apron rod (trim
the tails on the knot if needed)
Continue warping with the second yarn
This method is best if you will be winding
many ends (more than an inch) before
changing yarns again. If you need an odd
number of ends, you can use this method
to change yarns at the warping peg in-
stead of at the back apron rod.