And then confirm passage to “Net”
Image 3
Once the station has been set to work in “NET” mode, the administrator can then add new user cards.
To add new cards select “Cards” in the menu and click on “Add Card” button on the interface.
Image 4
Authorization via OCPP central station (Net OCPP)
It is possible to configure the station so that it is monitored and controlled by a central station via OCPP 1.6 JSON
In this situation all the use cases typically featured by charging platforms, such as billing, charger reservations
and remote identification via a mobile app are supported.
Note that registration of authorized users must be done via the central station platform and in most cases third
party E-mobility Service Providers will supply their own stack of user cards or provide information on how to
perform new users registration (e.g. via mobile app, guest account and so on).
Connecting the stations to a third party central station may require you to sign a contract with the E-mobility
Service Provider and yearly subscription fees may apply.
In order to configure the station to work via OCPP Central Station, with the station set in “Net mode”,