note will be sent to the Reject Pocket. The machine will beep warning sound if the counting job is
finished. The sign will be cleared automatically when the Reject Pocket is emptied and a new stack
of currency is started.
Selecting Add Function
ADD Function in COUNT MODE
ADD function provides a cumulative count on COUNT mode. For example, if operator places a
stack of 400 banknotes on the hopper, the machine will stop at 200, which is maximum capacity of
the Stacker. But if cumulative count is activated by pressing ADD key, the machine will count and
stops when the Stacker reached the maximum capacity of 200 notes and resumes counting once
notes are removed from the stacker and START key is pressed.
The Add function is On/Off by pressing ADD key.
ADD Function in all other modes (Mixed, Sort, Face, Orent).
When ADD is on, SB1000 /SB-1100 will accumulate each running total in all of these modes and
save them to memory. Each of these running totals will be added automatically and carry over to
the next count when modes are changed. For example, a running total in Mixed mode can be
carried over to the running total in Sort mode. Total amount will be displayed all the time even
when multiple counts are performed.
Selecting Batch Function
BATCH key is used to turn on/off the batch function. Once pressed, you have to input batch size
(1-200) using keypad and then press START button to enter. In the batch count mode, the machine
stops counting when the piece count reaches the batch setting even though the bank notes remain
in the Input Hopper.
To deactivate the batch count mode, simply press BATCH key, confirming that the batch size
displayed on LCD has disappeared.