Technical Data
Environmental conditions:
Storage temperature:
-25°C to + 70°C
Ambient temperature:
-10°C to + 40°C
Air humidity:
max. 95 %
Minimum temperature stability
of the connecting lines:
Heating system, lighting circuits, and stove lines are
heat-resistant to at least 150°C .
Maximum length of lines:
stove sensor:
3 m
Switching voltage / three-phase 3N:
400 V
50 Hz
Switching capacity / heating AC 1:
3 x 5 kW
Switched current each phase /
heating AC 1:
23 A
Nominal voltage:
230 V
Min. / max. pick-up capacity:
7 / 12 VA
Degree of protection (splash-proof):
Connection to the main circuit as permanent wiring
(non-detachable connection).
AC1 switched current:
Edition: 09-2003
Ident-No. 150 73 20
Technical Data
Thermal safety:
Stove sensor with overtemperature protector,
shutdown temperature 139°C.
Automatic shutdown after, at the maximum of 6
hours (depending on the factory setting).
Range of adjustment:
40-125 degrees Celsius
above the stove.
Selected start-time:
in 15 minute increments
Min. of selected start-time.
15 minutes
Max.of selected start-time:
23 hours 45 mi
Duration of heating: Automatic shutdown after 6
* If used in apartment buildings, hotels, or similar
buildings, the operational timeframe has to be li-
mited to 12 hours.
12 Customer service
Please write down the address of your custo-
mer service here: